
Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.

Groucho Marx

How do we define right and wrong? How do you know what is the ethical thing to do? We watch the news and we might get the impression that a lot of people don´t really know the answer to these questions, or may have gotten the wrong one. This week we want talk about something that our society desperately needs but which is not taught at school: Ethics. So join our Conversation Club for some deep conversations and tell us how to make the world a better place.
If you would like to suggest a topic, please leave your comment at the end of the post.

Como decidimos o que é certo e o que é errado? Como sabemos qual a coisa ética a se fazer? Assistimos ao noticiário e as vezes temos a impressão que muitas pessoas não sabem as repostas para estas perguntas, ou talvez tenha a resposta errada. Nesta semana queremos falar de algo que nossa sociedade precisa desesperadamente mas que não é ensinada na escola: Ética. Então se junte ao nosso Conversation Club para uma conversa profunda e nos diga como podemos fazer o mundo um lugar melhor.
Se quiser sugerir um tópico, por favor deixe seu comentário no fim do post!

Part 1 – Language development

In this section you will find an activity to help you better prepare to discuss the topic. It can be a grammar, listening or pronunciation activity to help you speak even more!

Part 2 – Video activities

Here you will find a short video about the topic with some questions to help you understand it.

Part 3 – Authentic Material

If you want to push yourself, here you will find material that digs deeper into the topic. Use your dictionaries if necessary.

Here are some ethical dillemas. How would you solve them?

Some Questions to help you think about the topic:

What makes something right or wrong?

Who are the most ethical people or countries you know?

What is the importance of ethics for a business?


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